Archive of notes, tips and tricks about the .net ecosystem as it was back in 2015, making most of them relics of the past.

XAML for Universal Windows cheat sheet
Tips and tricks for UWP UI developers.
Zune fly-in animations in CSS
Animate like it’s 2010, when it’s 2014
Practical animations in XAML
You could do really cool stuff in 2014!
Using Live Visual Tree to discover internals of Visual Studio
A great tool for WPF and UWP UI developers.
Animated navigation in Universal Apps
Animated examples of Page.Transitions
Custom resource files in UWP
Storing secrets in UWP apps
Remote debugging of VS extension in VM
The title says it all.
Publicly signing assemblies in the Common Project System
Yet another obscure workaround for an obscure bug.
Window.Show hides parent window in Tablet mode
A workaround for an obscure issue.
Connect Windows 10 to ADC using SPI
How to access the Windows.Devices.Spi namespace
Remote debugging IoT in VS, asked for PIN
Once I tried to flash Windows onto Raspberry PI and had to deal with this issue when debugging.
Temporarily add current directory to PATH
Because Powershell must do it differently than Unix
Using Fiddler to debug Azure exceptions
A workaround to access exception data which should have been available in the first place.